News & Articles

Chicago Bacterial Meningitis Lawyers

Healthcare providers throughout Illinois have a legal duty to treat patients within an accepted standard of care. When healthcare professionals fail to timely diagnose a disease or make other medical errors, patients can suffer harm. Sometimes, a patient may have a serious health condition that requires a prompt and proper diagnosis and treatment to prevent

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Chicago Excessive Bleeding Lawyers

When we go to the doctor or the hospital, we are doing so with the expectation that a team of professionals with years of education and training under their belts will give us the care we need to the best of their abilities. Sometimes, tragedy strikes without warning, and even though these medical professionals did

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​What Is the Difference Between Malpractice and Negligence?

The two terms are interchangeable when it comes to telling the difference between malpractice and negligence. There is more to it than a battle of semantics, however. It all boils down to this: not all negligence is malpractice, but all malpractice is negligence. You need a medical malpractice attorney to consider the evidence and build

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​How to Prove Medical Malpractice

Medical care is something we all want access to and hope we never have to use. Doctors, nurses, and first responders are trained to handle emergencies, offer appropriate care, and work with patients to give them the care they need. But what if the remedy does more damage than the ailment? Sometimes things go wrong,

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Causes of Brain Injuries

Brain injuries usually happen because of a hard jolt or blow to the head or objects that penetrate or break the skull, damaging the brain tissue. A hard crack could cause a piece of bone to enter the brain tissue; thus, a full break is unnecessary for a penetrating brain injury. Medical professionals classify traumatic

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When Should You Sue for Malpractice in Chicago, Illinois?

Medical malpractice is when a doctor or healthcare specialist causes harm to a patient by failing to perform their medical duties competently. Medical malpractice laws vary by state and are guided by general principles. There are also different sets of rules that apply to numerous medical malpractice cases. This detailed article guides you on when you

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​Medical Malpractice: Defined

People facing even minor medical conditions rely on the experience and trustworthy care offered by qualified medical care providers to help their recovery and maintain their quality of life. Quality medical care can help decrease pain, treat illnesses, or support patients with serious medical needs. Unfortunately, sometimes, medical care providers may not provide the high

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Chicago Common Causes of Brain Injury Lawyers

Considered some of the most serious injuries a person can sustain, brain injuries are life-changing in many ways. Whether being unable to return to work, requiring lifelong medical care, or other related situations, victims of these injuries and their families face a world they never expected to encounter. Unfortunately, the majority of brain injuries occur

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Chicago Traumatic Brain Injury to Children Lawyers

Your children are your primary care and responsibility and you do your best to protect them. The recklessness, negligence, and inattention of others is an ever-present threat to your babies. And it only takes one such person to forever change the life of your child and your family for the worse. A traumatic brain injury,

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Chicago Nursing Home Bed Sores Lawyers

Did you know that there are more than 10 million Americans in this country that are over the age of 65? What’s even more shocking is that 1.5 million of those people live in a nursing home or extended care facility. While it’s always best to have your loved ones at home with you, there

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